November 2023


November 21, 2023

This word has come up in my thoughts a lot in the almost three weeks I have been at my new job. Rather than the empowerment of Aretha Franklin’s version but more like Rodney Dangerfield’s. It’s actually quite disheartening the stories that have been conveyed to me. 

Most recently one of our colleagues returned from vacation to notice personal effects were taken from their locker at Jazz. Please respect others belongings. If it’s not yours, leave it alone. Just remember both the company and the union have zero tolerance when it comes to theft.  

However it’s not just personal effects. There has been far too much trouble with carts. Please respect carts that have been assigned to others. If there isn’t a cart available for yourself, advise deployment and expect to do a manual push. Then, when you are finished, return it to wherever you borrowed it from. Deployment also needs to respect travel times and the time it takes to put our toys away.  

I have also been told of instances of bullying and harassment – not just anecdotal accounts but I have witnessed actual copies of texts. More respect needs to be shown to our colleagues that may be struggling. Words that may seem innocuous to one may be taken as offensive and hurtful to others. So, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all and walk away. And if you hear such hate, report it.  Again bullying and harassment is not tolerated by the company nor by the union. 

In Solidarity.  


November 20, 2023

Hello Everyone,
We have been advised that the Company will be “testing” its tentative Virtual CSD.
It could happen anytime , including today.
The selection process of the CES who will be part of the experiment has not been communicated.
The Company has presented this a technical trial for the process.
Customers in Toronto will scan a code.
Their queries would then be answered by a CES in Vancouver.
We will do our due diligence in ensuring that the process is fair and respectful of our members.
In Solidarity and Iron Focus
Soppo and Eric and Team.

November 16, 2023

So here we are, a fortnight in so I thought it was about time for a progress report. 

First of all, our new onsite office. I spoke with Corporate Real Estate today and they surveyed the current office at the Ops Centre. They felt it best to coordinate the demo and the move to minimize our down time. I agree. Until then, I will continue to work out of the Ops Centre where I’m closer to Manpower and the GIDIP trustee as well as the space in the terminal. Hopefully Santa will deliver before Christmas. 

Speaking of Santa, if we stay above 601 agents as of year end, he will deliver a second full time representative for the office starting January 1. 

This past week I was able to get the desktop computer in the old office which I was told was broken, up and running.  You could say Santa gave us a computer for Christmas. When we eventually move, this will allow us to be more productive. 

The website is still under development but our Local has established a means through telegram for me to disseminate information. The QR code is available on the union bulletin board in the lunch room to subscribe to this newsletter. 

The newly minted vice chairs and myself will be taking the first of many courses starting next week. Frankly the training can’t come quickly enough as there are many issues that we face on a daily basis. I encourage those of you who are relatively new to Air Canada to make yourself familiar with our contract. Hard copies are available through our office downstairs but electronic versions are available through the Aeronet. If you suspect the Collective Agreement is not being followed, take pictures and forward them to myself. Be sure to use a non work email to contact us. 

Starting next month, I will be rotating my vice chairs through the office starting with Margarita. Office hours should remain unchanged Monday to Friday 0900-1700. 

The best way to get a hold of us is the office number 604-270-5060 or by email [email protected]. We do not monitor social media even though my newsletter is broadcast on Telegram. 

I’d like to close with two topics that have come up in the past two weeks. 

 1. Not having the tools to do our jobs. Radios and PDAs. If the company is expecting us to use them, we should comply. Personal phones should not be used. In fact phone calls only allow two people to be aware of the details. Radio calls allow all working the flight to be aware. If your device dies and you do not have time to go upstairs to get a new one ask streamline what they want you to do. Do not make excuses that the device died.  The other tool that has been causing me grief are the carts. If there are insufficient carts advise streamline and expect to do a manual push. 

 2. Social media. We all signed off on the Code of Conduct when we got hired. Even if you have forgotten about it, the Company has not. If you need to re-familiarize yourself with the policy, search for it on the Aeronet. Pay special attention to the section pertaining to Social Media. You have been warned. 

In solidarity,


November 10, 2023

Many of you have seen the 12 new lines that Manpower announced this week. There was some confusion with the calendar. 

Management has proposed a tentative start date of December 3. This would be the second day off for an F1 cycle. In other words, Dec 3 would be the 4th column.

November1, 2023

Happy November.  My team and I have now officially started our terms as District Chair, Vice Chairs as well as Health and Safety Reps.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who showed your confidence in me. I’d also like to ask those who did not vote for me to allow me to show you that I am here for you.  Although I am still on holidays until the end of the week, my team and I have already met over the past few days. 

I want to reinforce the topics that I will pursue during my tenure. 

1. Education – With over half of our colleagues with less than 18 months of seniority and two thirds with less than 5 years, I believe that for the majority it is the first time in a unionized work environment. I will endeavour to educate the workforce on your rights. To do that I will get the District 101 Website up and running in the coming weeks. 

2. Job protection – We must be vigilant that management not do our work. If you witness managers doing our work, forward evidence to me or your vice chairs. 

3. Higher wages – As we get closer to bargaining in a couple of years,  we need to collectively decide what we want. 

4. Safe work site – This is not just the obvious things like correct lifting techniques to protect our backs and wearing PPE to be seen and protect our hearing but includes harassment such as the increased use of letters by management. We are heading to a record number of grievances. 

While on the subject of a safe workplace, I have been told of a very disturbing situation where an agent tattled on their colleague causing much harm. Let me just say, I will not tolerate such behaviour. If you don’t agree with what an individual is doing, walk away.  There is nothing to be gained by going to a manager. If you want to be a manager, then be a manager. 

As long as you are in the union and expect protection of said union, then there is the responsibility to protect your colleagues.  And if you are witness to such behaviour, say something for if you do not, you are just as culpable. 

I have also been asked on my feelings about taking pictures. While on the public area, there is nothing that we can do that prevent pictures from being taken but in our private offices, pictures should only be taken with consent. Also, before you post that picture, remember the code of conduct  that we all signed.