Human Rights

The Unifor Local 2002 Human Rights Department works to support all members and union leaders who are seeking help with human right issues. The department coordinates workplace anti-harassment initiatives, complaint investigation and offers general human rights training programs which assist members in the fight against harassment and discrimination based on race, colour, sex, creed, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs or any other prohibited ground.

Our mission is to promote healthy and respectful workplaces by providing support and assistance to those who may be experiencing harassment and discrimination based on the prohibited grounds and personal harassment (bullying).

We recognize education as a means to achieve our mission and provide general education on harassment, discrimination and bullying.  We also will conduct investigations of complaints in workplaces where joint investigations have been bargained with the employer.

If you have questions about Canada’s human rights policies or have experienced a human rights violation, please contact us. All queries will be kept strictly confidential.

Local 2002 National Human Rights Co-ordinator

Cate Moss

Mobile: (514) 891-4062

Human Rights Advisor

  • Aviva Atlani
  • Kim Driedger
  • Manon Boucher
  • Manon Camiré