December 2023

4 December 2023

Here we are… December

Let me start off with a progress report. My team and I have now been at this for a month now and I believe we have progressed quite a bit from where we were a month ago. We have taken some courses but there is still much to learn.

The website is now up and running.  We are still waiting for the Company to do the demo and coordinate the move from our home of many years at the ops centre to our new in terminal home below Gate 31. Hopefully Santa will deliver.  For those of you trying to contact me via Telegram please use email through the website or use the dc101 address as I do not monitor Telegram. 

We have filed 10 grievances since taking office (that’s like 2 per week!) and I’d like to think that we’ve won a fair share.  With the ones that we have escalated we have been successful in reducing the penalties in some cases. 

This will also serve as my Christmas message as I will not be back until after the turkey is but a memory.  For those of you who may not observe Christmas please substitute with whatever you may celebrate. What matters is that we celebrate the holidays in a manner that is special to ourselves and we tolerate what our neighbours are celebrating.  Tolerance and respecting our neighbours- that’s what will create peace. 

Tolerance and respect applies here in the workplace as well. In the past little while that has been lacking here with reports of harassment and bullying in the workplace. In fact, it was so prevalent that your union was instrumental in getting training in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion instituted here. 

As we transition from and fall its fog and rain please be careful. Give yourself some extra time to get to work. It’s better to arrive safe and relax with a coffee than it is to be panicking about clocking in and getting involved in an accident. Safety First. It’s on the Flight Path. And that does not stop once you are here either. 

Deployment must give you travel time to get to your duty. If you aren’t going to make it, please be respectful and give them ample time to find a replacement for you. If they all of a sudden reassign you to be the outside person at an off bridge operation, Streamline should give you time to get outside wear and PPE if they are not provided.  Remember, day of, the company has the right to move you based on qualifications so please be prepared for them to move you to E94 Ramp Direct. 

For those of you who are new to Air Canada, I ask that you become familiar with the contract. During my absence Margarita will be in the office downstairs so don’t be shy and drop in to say “Hi.”

Be safe and Happy Holidays. 

In Solidarity,
